At last I've finished all the christmas chocolate and biscuits, which was top of my january to-do list. Now I'm free to get on with the merry business of filmmaking.
To spur me on and by way of inspiration I went to the premiere of Samantha Moore's new film
An Eyeful of Sound, showing at the Rich Mix as part of the London Short Film Festival. Sam received Welcome Trust funding for her animated documentary about Synaesthesia, a brain condition where when one sense is stimulated two are triggered. She interpreted three synaesthete's verbal descriptions of what they saw when hearing music or sounds to the extent that she brought a 3D animator on board to broaden her palette and to be as faithful as she could be. It's very pleasurable and insightful to be able to see inside a synaesthete's brain in the hands of such an accomplished animator, I hope it will have many festival outings. The film sadly didn't get the East End Film Festival prize, but I bet it was darn close behind the winning film Seafront by
Stuart Moore & Kayla Parker, a joyful, beautifully framed and made snapshot of activities at a tidal bathing pool, some reckless, some listless. This still picture from the Sundog media website gives a good impression of the jollities: (wow)